Why I no longer teach…

A lot has happened in the past few years.

However – my reasons behind rescinding my voice have never been heard.

I believe in the creativity of youth. I believe in their capacity to overcome limitations. I believe in a better world. However I do not agree with an elitist nor buracratic view of the role of education.

Many come to this site to see the wonderful work and studies of my past students. That is incredible as well as inspiring. I am pro free speech. Pro scientific method research. I am for the free flow of ideas and discussions. However after years of teaching I realised that these views were being censored. I am not willing to share all of my research on these points at this time. However I am quite surprised at the increase in interest on this site that was created to promote my students work as well as the axes of research I find interesting and important.

I stopped teaching a few years back to give time to my own work and research. I needed a time out from authoritarianism and censure of ideas.

Many of the voices that I appreciate are available to us freely. Perhaps i may share a few in the future in hopes of engaging debate and positive discourse.

Please feel free to make comments on my random posts… my point is to engage discussion.

Enjoy… much more to follow in the new year ! Cheers

And as a belated add-in … postmodern is at the base of our intellectual decline…

I will add more au fur et à mesure… but start here

for French readers – must read… Barjavel – « Ravage » et « la nuit de temps »

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